November 20, 2020

Bringing sonic passion online

Bringing sonic passion online

Ceas is an ongoing project & sonic journey of mine taking shape of mostly electronic moody groovy synth-based music inspired by 80’s new wave.

In order to make it easier for publications to access relevant info and links when (hopefully) promoting I went to create — To serve both as an introduction as well as hub for press releases and sounds.

Artwork revealing music in motion

With the goal to provide both a clear and visually incentivising overview I shaped the home feed to be a gridded gathering of all releases, giving a glimpse of belonging video on hover.

Menu and channel links are kept static when scrolling ensuring that getting to the streams is always just an easy tap away.

Hierarchy of the view for a release

The actual view of a release has the tracks available to stream in a static player next to the text & video content. Heading into mobile view the player keeps the same visual hierarchy by jumping up on top.

Overall the layout is mainly kept in text-based black and white, allowing for the releases to stand out as the sources of colour.


By using Hugo as a framework for the site and standardising the catalogue by templating the different elements it became a breeze to update whenever a new release drops.

👉 Check it out on (and follow on Spotify, why not!)